Robynn Mattson Speech and Kara Lessman OT; Not pictured: Sam Kinslow, PT and Laura McComb diagnostician.

ECSE Teachers: Chelsea Wells, Alyssa Hargrave, Michelle Verbick, Robynn Mattson

ECSE Paras: Mackenzie Funderburg, Brianna Rodrick, Becky Evans, Wendy Miller
Early Childhood Special Education
If you live in the Maryville RII School District and think your preschool child (ages 3-5) may need Special Education Services, please call us! We strive to provide a safe and positive learning environment that supports student achievement through a continuum of services. Our goal is to deliver high quality, individualized early learning opportunities so that all children may be successful, lifelong learners.
To qualify for the Early Childhood Special Education Program, the child must have significant development delays in one of the following areas:
Adaptive Behavior
See glossary of terms for definitions
What services are available?
We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of our students. We strive to help each child reach his or her developmental best by using some or all of the following services:
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech and Language Services
Special instruction
Who can refer a child for an evaluation?
Maryville R2 School District Preschools
Missouri First Steps
How do I make a referral?
If you think a preschool age child may be showing a delay, please call of visit the Maryville Early Childhood Center and speak to Mrs. Michelle McCollum, Director. 660-562-3915
Glossary of Terms:
Cognition - Mental abilities/IQ, how information is learned/stored
Adaptive Behavior - Performance of daily activities (dressing, eating, etc.)
Communication - Ability to listen and speak
Occupational Therapy - treatment to improve fine motor skills (building, cutting, drawing) and self-help skills (dressing, feeding).
Physical Therapy - treatment to improve large muscle skills (running, jumping, climbing) and mobility (walking, using a wheelchair).
Screening - Overall testing to find out if any area of development needs further evaluation.
Social/Emotional/Behavioral - a person’s ability to get along with other people (family, adults, or other children) and/or behavioral problems.